The Kobo Writing Life Podcast brings you insights and inspiration for growing your self-publishing business. We feature interviews with bestselling authors and industry experts, who share practical advice you can use to improve your writing and sell more books. Hosted by the Kobo Writing Life team, you'll also get the latest news and updates about Kobo and the KWL platform. Self-publish today at
Mark Lefebvre, Director of Kobo Writing Life, interviews,
author, podcaster, film-maker, photographer and audio-book
producer, J. Daniel Sawyer. In the interview, Mark and Daniel
How poorly researched use of something like weapons can kick a
knowing reader out of the story
The differences in weapon terminology use, such as a clip and a
magazine, an automatic and a semi-automatic
The Weaver stance, originally created in the 1950’s and how it
remains one of a number of popular shooting stances in handgun
training today because it taught police officers how to shoot
quickly, accurately and without accidents
Why the “clicking” of a gun when it is out of ammunition is an
inaccurate Hollywood convention when it comes to most modern
Why Doc Brown would NOT have survived the AK-47 attack in the
movie Back to the Future, even with a Kevlar vest on
Why being shot typically won’t send someone flying backwards or
even stop them while rushing forward
Dan’s life-long passion for theatre-radio and audio-books
A look at the minimum standard equipment an author would need
in order to produce their own quality audio book
How Dan has created full-cast / multi-voice audio
The rough number of hours it takes to produce each hour of
finished audio product and the differences between single narrator
recordings and full-cast productions
The importance of learning from one’s own blunders while
finding your way through the business aspect of writing
Insights and inspiration for growing your self-publishing business. Featuring interviews with bestselling authors and industry experts, who share practical advice you can use to improve your writing and sell more books. Hosted by the Kobo Writing Life team, you'll also get the latest news and updates about Kobo and the KWL platform. Self-publish today at