May 6, 2014
Camille Mofidi, European Manager
for Kobo Writing Life interviews Italian author
Vieri Tommasi Candidi about his Who’s Jo Spatacchia? Series and
the unique method by which he had released this in two languages
with a regular and enhanced version for different
During the conversation, Camille and Vieri
- Developing projects along with talented
The concept of Who Joe Spatacchia is and the inspiration and
thoughts behind the creation of this character
How Vieri has mixed the story with drawings and music in this
interactive eBook as well as how he chose the music and the
drawings to accompany the story
How music and images could give a choreography and elevated
atmosphere to the story allowing people to enjoy it on many
The 7 episodes as well as the scheduled release plans of either 1
episode per month or even, perhaps 2 per month
The fact that there are two versions per episode – one with music
and the other without music (for those devices and eReaders that
don’t have a way to play audio)
The price point of those separate versions are 99 EUR for the
version without music and 1.49 EUR for the version with music
Vieri’s smart move of releasing the eBook in both Italian and
English and the international stradegy
The challenge of getting people to find your work as being
something that supersedes the difficulty of actually writing and
publishing your book
A perspective of publishing in Italy being on the pioneering
The managing of the rights for all of the markets this series of
books are available in within both languages
How Vieri has managed the promotion for this series in both Italian
and English
A wonderful compliment that Vieri received regarding his activities
that have been moving the face of digital publishing forward
KWL Director Mark Lefebvre then talks about
the recently launched Opening Up To Indie
Authors campaign and the book launch which took place
at the Kobo Booth at London Book Fair 2014.
Vieri’s Website:
The Who’s Jo Spatacchia? Series on
Opening Up To Indie Authors (Kobo Writing
Kobo Listing for Opening up To Indie Authors
The Open Up to Indie Authors Campaign
The Launch – From ALLi’s website
The Speech Orna Ross gave at the launch at the
Kobo Booth at LBF 2014